Majorityrights News > Category: Law & Order

Germany: 300,000 Invader “Family Visas” Issued

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 January 2018 02:10.

The New Observer, “The German government is currently preparing nearly one third of a million “family visas” for the immediate families of non-White invaders given “asylum” in that country—and this is just the start of the program of ‘family reunification,” 10 Jan 2018:

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin is currently preparing at least 300,000 visas for “family members of refugees” living in Germany with subsidiary protection.

This is however only the start of the program, as currently, family reunification for refugees with “limited subsidiary protection” is suspended until mid-March 2018.

“Limited subsidiary protection” is only “temporary” asylum—in theory—whereas full subsidiary protection is for those who have been granted permanent asylum status.

There are currently far more invaders with “limited subsidiary protection” than those with full subsidiary protection, and if the rules are changed to allow the former group to bring their families as well, the number of “family visas” will swell into the millions.

The move to temporarily halt family reunification for those with “limited subsidiary protection” was made by Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party following the strong showing of the anti-invasion Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, as an attempt to dampen support for that group.

However, the Merkel government is in talks with its previous long-term coalition partner, the Socialist Party of Germany (SPD) to form a new government—and the topic of family reunification rights for those invaders with “limited subsidiary protection” is a major topic of discussions between the two parties.

The SPD has set it as a basic demand that those with temporary protection be given the right to “family reunification” and it seems likely that Merkel will give way on this demand in order to remain in power.

It has previously been well-established that those granted “limited subsidiary protection” always end up staying permanently anyway, as once they have been in Germany for five years, they qualify for permanent residence.

See also: Germany: Nonwhite in One Generation

She was found in Finsbury Park just 500 yards from her home.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 07 January 2018 12:10.

Sun, “XMAS ‘MURDER’ Finsbury Park murder”, 3 Jan 2018:

Man, 31, in court accused of stabbing barmaid Iuliana Tudos as she walked home on Christmas Eve.

Kasim Lewis appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court today charged with her murder.

A MAN has appeared in court accused of stabbing a barmaid to death on Christmas Eve as she walked home through a park.

Iuliana Tudos, 22, was discovered in Finsbury Park, North London, by friends three days after she went missing on December 24.

Kasim Lewis, 31, today appeared in the dock at Westminster Magistrates’ Court after being charged with her murder.

Lewis, of Friern Barnet, spoke only to confirm his name, date of birth, address and nationality during the brief hearing.

He was remanded in custody and will appear at the Old Bailey on Friday.

Iuliana’s body was found in a disused shed about 500 yards from her front door near the park gates.

Barmaid Iuliana Tudos, 22, was brutally murdered as she walked through Finsbury Park, North London, on Christmas Eve.

Kasim Lewis appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court charged with her murder.

Police believe the 22-year-old may have been attacked as she walked home from her shift at the pub where she worked in Camden. She was found in Finsbury Park just 500 yards from her home.

She had been stabbed in the stomach and suffered a head injury after taking the shortcut through the park on Christmas Eve.

Iuliana, who was known as Julie, had last been seen by friends at around 8pm on December 24 when she headed for a bus home from Camden.

She was due to meet them at a friend’s home in Enfield, north east London, later that evening before spending Christmas Day there, but never arrived.

A member of the public found Miss Tudos’s body three days after she was reported missing.

Miss Tudos worked at the landmark World’s End Pub in Camden, one of London’s best known venues for rock music fans.

Iuliana’s flatmate Rosie left a tribute to her at the scene of the tragedy saying: “My beautiful flatmate. Our lives won’t be the same without you.

“So young, so beautiful, taken from us too early.”

“I will miss our cups of tea and sharing our cheese and pickle sandwiches.”

“Your cackle laugh that would be funnier than the joke.”

“Your obsession with Sailor Jerry’s was almost as much as mine.”

“I will only hold onto the good memories. You will never be forgotten.”

“I will miss you everyday and I hope you are in a better place.”

“You were too great for this world.”

Showcase: Arguing WN against virulent bracketry & why ‘Americanism’, ‘exceptionalism’ is ineffective

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 06 January 2018 07:43.

What it’s like to argue with a bracket and why ‘American founding fathers constitutionalism’ is too complicated and flawed a premise to defend White nationalism.

When asked why she wanted to exclude certain people from White Nations…

Tara experiences what it’s like to argue with a virulent bracket and why defending White America (let alone White Nations generally, of course) on the basis of the U.S. Constitution, founding fathers, exceptionalism, etc., is not the best angle.

If you mean to defend White Nationalism, defend White Nationalism, not American Nationalism of the Founding fathers, their constitution and not I.Q., as Tara does. The intentions of the founding fathers, what their text say, matters of I.Q. and the accomplishments (or lack of certain kinds of misdeeds) of White Nations can provide rebuts to fallacious counter arguments, but are not effective as a premisary thesis for defending White Nationalism.

MR’s platform takes rather a premise of deep systemic, pervasive ecology and biodiversity ... to be deliberately coordinated among human and pervasive ecology; and to be distinguished from Hitler’s ‘ecology’ which was more like Darwinism and absent the sufficient human and humane aspect of praxis.

Perhaps we should let Tara find out the hard way - she has been warned (as Mancinblack noted). There are reasons to be critical of her: she has associated with some pretty bracketed individuals, such as the guy promoting the Jewish alternative payment set up (I’ll find the link a little later); in addition to going along with the fundamentally right wing and Jewish aligned platform that is the Alternative Right.

Trump sought to parlay loss into media empire, Bannon warned win would spotlight Russian laundering

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 05 January 2018 07:06.

According to Wolff book: Trump was shocked by presidential victory. He had run with anticipation of a loss to Hillary based on her “fake” media support which he could parlay into a “real” media empire by contrast; Bannon warned presidential victory would spotlight Trump’s Russian money laundering; Melania cried in stress over “botched plan gone right” which actually landed the presidency for Donald.

NewsWeek, “Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried, Book Claims”, 3 Jan 2018:

No one on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team thought Trump would actually become president—and they didn’t really want him to either, according to excerpts from Michael Wolff’s book published Wednesday in New York magazine.

Now-President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Donald Trump Jr., campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and first lady Melania Trump were all reportedly left dumbfounded and afraid on the night of the election in 2016, the book claims. Shortly after 8 on election night, it became clear that Trump had a real shot of becoming president. Wolff wrote that Don Jr. said his father “looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears—and not of joy.” Steve Bannon, who helped run the Trump campaign and helped Trump’s team through the transition, said he saw Trump morph from “a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.”

A week before the election, Trump was sure he would lose the presidency. But still, according to Wolff’s book, he told Ailes that it was “bigger than I ever dreamed of. I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won.”

Then he actually won.

Wolff’s claims match various reporting on Trump’s election: He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorized that he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.” The Associated Press wrote that Trump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

But Wolff’s new book claims Trump and his campaign never planned to win and never wanted to accept the job that comes along with a victory. So once he did take office, the West Wing was in disarray, with Bannon, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner all operating in a free-form environment. Bannon, especially, saw his role as creating the “soul” of the White House, according to Wolff. And Trump’s own behavior was credited as not befitting the White House.

“Nothing contributed to the chaos and dysfunction of the White House as much as Trump’s own behavior,” Wolff wrote. “The big deal of being president was just not apparent to him. Most victorious candidates, arriving in the White House from ordinary political life, could not help but be reminded of their transformed circumstances by their sudden elevation to a mansion with palacelike servants and security, a plane at constant readiness, and downstairs a retinue of courtiers and advisers. But this wasn’t that different from Trump’s former life in Trump Tower, which was actually more commodious and to his taste than the White House.”

Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is to be published by Henry Holt & Co. on January 9.

The Hill, “Bannon warned Russia probe would focus on money laundering: report”, 3 January 2018:

Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon warned that the special counsel investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia would focus on money laundering, according to a book to be published next week.

The revelation is included in “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” a new book by Michael Wolff. The Guardian, which has viewed a copy, published several stories on Wednesday about the book, which includes interviews with Bannon and President Trump.

Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was charged with money laundering in an October indictment brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, as was his associate Richard Gates.

In Wolff’s book, Bannon identifies Weissmann, an attorney on Mueller’s team, as a “money-laundering guy.”

“You realize where this is going,” Bannon said in the book. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner. … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.”

“They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV,” Bannon said, referring to the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

The former White House chief strategist also spoke about the 2016 meeting between Trump Jr. and a group of Russians, describing it as “treasonous.”

And Bannon in “Fire and Fury” mentioned connections between Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and loans taken out from the German Deutsche Bank that have come under scrutiny in relation to the investigation.

In December, federal prosecutors subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for records tied to Kushner’s family’s real estate business, Kushner Companies.

“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit,” Bannon said of the probe. “The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”

Business Insider
, “I know why Steve Bannon let Michael Wolff into the White House”, 4 Jan 2018:

- Michael Wolff’s new book, “The Fire and the Fury,” is rocking the Trump White House, and it hasn’t even been released yet.

- It has the president turning on former adviser Steve Bannon. This is in part because Bannon helped Wolff gain incredible access to the White House.

- Why? Add this to the long list of ego-driven media mistakes made by the administration - a costly one at that.

- What Bannon didn’t count on was that Wolff isn’t a soldier in his army.

I feel like I write this all the time, but the White House is in chaos.

The Trump administration is being thrown by the forthcoming publication of Michael Wolff’s book “The Fire and The Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

The excerpts, until now jealously guarded at select media outlets like New York Magazine and NBC for weeks, tell of a shockingly incompetent president and the in-over-their-heads aides who openly disrespect him. It is chaos, and someone let Wolff take a front seat and watch it all.

That person, by all accounts, was former White House adviser Stever Bannon. While Trump may have known that the biographer of his idol, Rupert Murdoch, was on site, it was Bannon who ensured Wolff had access.

Why? Consider it one part self-aggrandizement, another part a desire for acceptance, and wholly and completely a continuation of Bannon’s desperate search for ideological allies.


Egyptian “Migrant” Terror Attack in Pennsylvania

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 30 December 2017 00:46.

New Observer, “Egyptian ‘Migrant’ Terror Attack in Pennsylvania”, 25 Dec 2017:

An Egyptian legal immigrant who entered the US on a “chain migrant” visa carried out the triple terrorist attack on police in the Pennsylvanian state capital Harrisburg this week—an attack largely deliberately ignored the by controlled media.

According to a statement issued by the Department of Homeland Security, “the suspect involved in a terror attack in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and another suspect arrested on terror-related money laundering charges were both beneficiaries of extended family chain migration.”

The invader, named as Ahmed Amin El-Mofty, was a naturalized U.S. citizen who was admitted to the United States from Egypt on a family-based immigrant visa.

El-Mofty was killed on Friday December 22 in a shootout after opening fire and targeting police at multiple locations in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

The Egyptian invader started his attack at the 100 block of State Street, when Ahmed El-Mofty started firing gunshots. He then got into a vehicle and headed off towards the State Capitol Building, rounded a corner and shot several times at a Capitol Police car near Third and Walnut streets.

One shot came “very close” to hitting the officer driving, but he was able to escape without injury, according to Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico.

About 30 minutes later, El-Mofty fired several shots at a Pennsylvania State Police trooper. The officer suffered minor injuries and was chased by the shooter more than a mile to Allison Hill near the intersection of 17th and Mulberry streets. By then more officers had converged on scene and killed El-Mofty in the resulting shootout.

“The long chain of migration that led to the suspect’s admission into the United States was initiated years ago by a distant relative of the suspect. One of the most recent links in that chain was an extended family member admitted into the United States from Egypt on an F24 visa,” the DHS statement said.

“Separately, Zoobia Shahnaz, who has been charged with laundering bitcoins to support ISIS, is a naturalized U.S. citizen who came to the United States from Pakistan on an F43 visa.

“The F43 visa is available to the children of F41 visa holders who were sponsored by other family members that obtained citizenship.”

Hindu women forced to convert to Islam while mass graves of their Hindu men discovered in Rakhine

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 26 December 2017 06:11.

India Today reports on the forced conversion to Islam of Rakhine Hindus in the Bangladesh refugee camps and the discovery of Hindu mass graves in Rakhine by the Myanmar security services. This report dates from September and has gone unnoticed in the West. I found it as the latest entry on the Facebook account of Shwe Eain Si, so the girl obviously hasn’t given up the fight. Good for her.

                    - Mancinblack


Swedes Take To Streets in Protest upon being told to stay inside after series of rapes

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 23 December 2017 06:02.

DM, “Hundreds protest in Sweden after police told women to ‘stay inside or walk in pairs’ after series of violent gang rapes of teenage girls”, 20 Dec 2017:

- Three gang rapes in less than a month have taken place in Malmo, Sweden
- This weekend, a 17-year-old girl was brutally gang raped in a playground
- After the most recent rape, police advised that women should not go out alone
- Hundreds took to the streets to protest the violence and police action

Fighting back: Protesters demanded that the government take action against rapists and that police do more to protect women in Sweden

Hundreds took to the streets of Malmo in southern Sweden to protest after three teenage girls were brutally gang raped - and police told women to stay indoors.

The most recent incident involved a 17-year-old girl who was raped by an unknown number of assailants in a children’s playground in the early hours of Saturday.

Anger: A protester holds up a placard during the demonstration in central Malmo yesterday (photo TT News Agency/ AP)

The following day, Malmo police issued a warning to local women not to go outside alone at night, and to walk in pairs or use taxis.

Anger: Hundreds marched through Malmo in southern Sweden on Tuesday to protest against the police response to three violent gang rapes of teenage girls

The first rape took place on November 4, and saw a young woman raped by several assailants after a party in Segevång, north Malmo.

Just over a week later, a woman was attacked and raped by a number of men at a bus stop in Södervärn, central Malmo.

Saturday’s rape took place just a few streets away in Sofielund, and saw the 17-year-old attacked by a group of men in a playground.

‘This is a horrible, particularly severe crime with exceedingly brutal violence,’ Andy Roberts, head of area police in North Malmo told Helsinborg’s Dagblad.

He would not give the newspaper details of the violence the victim was subjected to, but added: ‘There are limits, even for me, as an old experienced police officer.’ 

Wave: Three young women have been gang raped in Malmo in less than three weeks by ‘young men unknown to them’

A local newspaper reports that the victims in all three cases were teenagers.

Police say that while there is no obvious connection between the rapes, it cannot be ruled out as investigations are still ongoing.

All three incidents took place between midnight and 3am and assailants were all young men unknown to the victims, Sydsvenskan reports.

Yesterday’s protest, filmed by a participant, saw demonstrators demand police protection, tougher punishment and that the government step in and push through proposed legislation on consent.

Bearing placards with messages such as ‘no rapists on our streets’ and ‘Stefan Lofven, take your responsibility’, directed at the country’s Prime Minister, hundreds of protesters gathered in Malmo on Tuesday evening.

‘I never thought I would be scared to walk around in my hometown,’ one of the speakers Sara Wettergren said according to Kvallsposten.

Upset: A local newspaper reports that the victims in all three cases were teenagers

Referring to the famous gang rape of a young student in Delhi in 2012, she added; ‘In India the perpetrators were convicted. In Sweden they walk free.’

In the wake of the #MeToo debate and the recent gang rapes, the issue of sexual violence against women is going to be a key issue ahead of next year’s general election in Sweden.

The protesters in Malmo outlined a series of demands on the Swedish government: tougher punishment for rapes, a Minster of Justice with competence in sexual violence issues and a National Police Commissioner ‘who cares about women’.

The demonstrators were also protesting police advice that women stay indoors, which was issued on Sunday. ‘It’s about common sense. We are not warning people not to be outside, but to think twice and maybe not walk alone late at night and instead go with others or take a taxi,’ said Anders Nilsson of Malmo police who is leading the preliminary investigation.

After a national backlash, Malmo police retracted their statement come Monday, with Mr Nilsson saying he had been ‘clumsy’ choosing his words.

Anne Marie gives Facebook hell for banishing her message on upside down accusation of ‘hate speech’

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 19 December 2017 08:26.

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 04:26. (View)

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Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

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